Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Moment of Realization

Dear Fellow Passionate Media Followers,

 I am starting to have second thoughts about my groups portfolio project idea. I think we had a great idea and I think it could come out well, but I think it may be a little too ambitious to do in the time frame that we have.

  Today, we had a hard time getting a house to shoot at in Fort Lauderdale, FL and Miami, FL. I called my uncles parents in Fort Lauderdale to see if we can use their house not this weekend but the next weekend either Saturday or Sunday, but they said they weren’t going to be home at all. Another individual in my group called his grandma and grandpa in Miami to see if we could use their house to shoot the first shots in, but they don’t know if they also will be home this weekend. Our group tried to find cheap houses to rent out for the day, but we quickly realized that we do not have the money or resources. If we can’t get a house in either of these areas by March 16th, than we are going to have to change the whole first part of our film opener.

  We also need to find actors to play the two fighting parents in the beginning of the film opener. My group members and I called all of our relatives and close friends that we thought could play the two roles, but none of them are going to be free on the days we needed them. I am starting to realize why it costs so much money to put on a real blockbuster film.
 With all that said, while in my media class, I had an alternative idea. My idea was to create a film opener about a kidnapping. An overview of the plot of the film opener  would basically depict a male individual getting up from bed, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and driving away from his house in a car. When the man gets out of bed, he will check his phone and play a voicemail. The voicemail would play while the actor is completing the tasks I listed in the previous sentence. The voice over would say things such as: “,Please do this last job for us,” and ,“You owe me this one.”  Basically, it would foreshadow the idea that the individual being filmed is about to do something not ethical or moral. Next, we could cut to a scene of the actor pulling up to an airport, walking into a plane, starting up the plane, and taking off. As the plane takes off, we would cut to a shot of an individual in the back of the plane. This individual would be tied up, duct tape would be around her mouth, and she would look like she is being kidnapped. Then, the screen would go black with the title of the movie.

 I think this could be a film opener that could be manageable because my friend has his own private pilot license and flies with his dad every Saturday. This film requires less actors, equipment, and money. I am going to persuade my group to go with this project. I will let you  know if we end up going with this idea.

Matthew Liebman   
March 7th , 2019

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