Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sticking with Plan A

Dear Fellow Passionate Media Followers,

  We have decided to stay with making the skateboarding film opening. The plan for the video is the beginning of the video is going to be a cool fast montage of the city of Miami to establish the setting. The next couple shots are going to be a kid waking up to his parents arguing and his mom barging into his room proceeding to verbally attack and physically attack the child to establish that the kid lives in a verbally abusive household to establish part of the conflict. The next couple shots are of the kid running out of the house with his skateboard. Next, we will capture the kid skateboarding and end the film opening with the kid getting hit by a car to grab the audience’s attention.

I definitely think as we shoot the actual film, we are going to change the plot around. As well as, I definitely think that while we edit the film we are going to definitely change the plot around, but I think we have a really good enough idea of the plot of the film opener. I told my group we are going to shoot a lot of content when we shoot this weekend, so if do change the plot of the film opener, we won't have to likely reshoot anything. I haven't decided if I want to make an updated story board, but I may have to.

Since we are shooting this film opener this weekend, I will be updating you guys a lot on the last minute changes and the process of shooting the film from start to finish. I am currently preparing myself for a VERY stressful weekend, but I am excited to see what we are able to capture on Saturday!

Matthew Liebman
March 12th, 2019

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Dear Passionate Media Followers,    Here is what you have all been waiting for: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Su294K2Kj2zU4MPIT-cNn...