Saturday, March 16, 2019

I am Terrified

Dear Passionate Media Followers,

   I am moments away from shooting this whole film opening....I am about to go to Dunkin Donuts to meet up with my group to have a mini pre-production meeting.  I was so nervous for this film shoot that I made my father come with us to help us! Personally, I think I am so nervous for this film because I don't feel like we planned this shoot at a very in-depth level because we didn't gave ourselves a lot of time to plan every detail to the shoot. Furthermore, my group is trying to film the whole film opener in one day. We are shooting at three locations, with multiple talent, a lot of heavy equipment, and on top of that we are shooting a majority of the film outside. I think the pressure of shooting this whole film opener in one day really kind of got to me. I know there is a lot of variables can go wrong today, so I am praying everything works out.

  All in all, I think the one thing that I have noticed from doing research for this project is that when creating any film you always have to trust the process. I know that whatever happens, my group is going to create a killer film opener. I hope that in the next couple hours after we film this opener, I can report good news!

Matthew Liebman
March 16th, 2019

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