Sunday, March 10, 2019

Just an Idea.......

Dear Fellow Passionate Media Followers,

    After making the storyboard for the portfolio project, I started to look at a lot more film openings. I think I want to start off the film a little differently. I still want to start with all the B-roll of Miami or Fort Lauderdale (depending on where we end up shooting) but then  I want the first real opening shot of the video to be of a skateboarder looking like he just got hit by a car. I found a skateboarding video that had a scene of a skateboarder getting hit by a car and I think with the equipment we have, we can recreate this. Below, I have attached pictures of how the shots would look.

I would recreate this scene by having the main character wearing ripped  up shoes, pants, and a shirt in the shots. We would also put fake blood on the actor and give him a fake scratch. This would give the effect that the skateboarder just got hit by the car. We would get close ups of the ripped clothing,  the car, and the skateboard to establish that the actor was hit by the car while skateboarding. After all of these close-ups finish on the screen, the camera would cut to the same actor waking up in bed, the wake up shot would be similar to the shot in Increption when Ariadne says “Wake me up!” I have attached a picture to the shot below. Then, the film opening would continue how it previously was planned on the storyboard.

Matthew Liebman   
March 4th , 2019

HardHappenings. (2010, December 11). Inception - Wake me up! Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from opener to skatebording film &&view=detail&mid=E5EE2EDBBB456FD11CDFE5EE2EDBBB456FD11CDF&FORM=VRDGAR

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